Take Your Career to the Next Level

You've got what it takes to be great at your next job - we've got what it takes to get you there.
Get more interviews, more offers, and higher compensation with our program tailored to fit your goals.

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Step-by-step impact


Application Responses

With profile optimization, application strategy and our reverse recruiting techniques, we show you how to hear back and get interviews.


Interview Scores

Once you're in interviews we prepare you for the high frequency behavioral and technical questions with custom frameworks based on our research.


Negotiation Increase

Over thousands of negotiations, we've developed a proprietary negotiation system with high expected value and minimal risk to maximize your offer.

Don't pay until you get paid

out of pocket

There is no upfront cost required to enroll in Pathrise; we only get paid when you do. The program is based on an income share agreement. The way it works is only after you get hired, you pay back a small percentage of your income for a limited time as you earn it. As part of the agreement, you don't pay anything, even from your current job or income, until you get paid from your new job first.

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1-on-1's with top mentors

Our mentors come from industry leading companies

Our network consists of both part-time and full-time mentors. See some of their profiles here.

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