Mission: TripAdvisor"s mission is to help people around the world plan and have the perfect trip.
SEM, recommendation system, ranking algorithms
What is A/B testing? What is hypothesis testing?
Describe a data project you"ve done in the past.
Subquery and unique.
How to evaluate a classifier; how to select features.
How to recommend the price for a new vacation rental.
p-value, F1 score definition
Case study on fraud detection (like, given 99% fraud cases and 1% non fraud what model will you take?)
Stage 1: Technical interview with team manager The technical questions are about machine learning and rapid fire like questions with applications in text, recommendation systems, and images.
Stage 2: Online assignment that requires modeling.
Stage 3: Onsite interview The onsite round includes 2 case studies, ML/DL discussion, coding, and questions about A/B testing.

Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps people land their dream jobs. We regularly place our fellows at top companies like Apple, Amazon, and Meta. Our mentors have experience at companies like Apple, giving fellows the inside scoop on interview and company culture in 1-on-1 sessions.
We can’t guarantee you a job at a specific company like Apple. But we do guarantee you a great job–if you don’t accept an offer in 1 year, you pay nothing. Our income share agreement means you only pay with a percentage of your income at your new role.
Mentors work with fellows at every stage in search, helping them build the skills necessary to be the best candidate possible. Fellows in Pathrise usually see a 2-4x increase in application response rates, 1.5-3x increase in interview scores, and 10-20% increase in salary through negotiation.