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How to get a job at Servicenow
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All you need to know about Servicenow
Inside Scoop
Inside scoop

Mission: ServiceNow is changing the way people work. By placing a service-oriented lens on the activities, tasks, and processes that make up day-to-day work life, we help the modern enterprise operate faster and be more scalable than ever before. As the enterprise cloud company, ServiceNow provides a service model that defines, structures and automates the flow of work, removing email and spreadsheets from the process to streamline the delivery of services.


Vision: Transform IT to Revolutionize the Enterprise. ServiceNow is changing the way people work. By placing a service-oriented lens on the activities, tasks, and processes that make up day-to-day work life, we help the modern enterprise operate faster and be more scalable than ever before. As the enterprise cloud company, ServiceNow provides a service model that defines, structures, and automates the flow of work, removing email and spreadsheets from the process to streamline the delivery of services.


Customer focus: Our customers value our Company not only because of the great service we deliver, but because we hold ourselves to a higher business and ethical standard when engaging with customers, partners, suppliers, competitors, and third parties. No other constituency (e.g. investors, employees, partners) rates above the customer in importance. We would not be here without our customers, we would not be a business without our customers, and we could not continue to exist without our customers. Our daily choices must center on what"s best for our customers collectively.


Performance and execution: ServiceNow strives for a performance culture, one that rewards, recognizes, and celebrates superior performance across all business disciplines. We want to excel and be the best at what we do. The Company will continually raise the bar on performance and shall communicate explicitly with our operating units and our employees on their performance. We wish to have a culture of execution, one that is invested in continually improving our abilities to execute our stated strategies in all disciplines, in contrast to a culture that obsesses more with strategy than execution.


Respect and dignity: All officers and employees are expected to comply with all applicable discrimination and harassment laws. In addition, we expect all officers and employees to interact with each other with mutual respect, dignity, kindness, and common courtesy. Respect means that we value people equally, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or other categories protected by applicable law.

Interview questions to prepare for

Derive Bayes theorem and explain why this is true.


What are the ways to transform a numeric predictor to a categorical one and vice versa?

The usual interview process

Stage 1: Technical phone screen with hiring manager This interview is mainly about machine learning & data analysis. The interviewer gives a list of topics and asks the candidate to rate him/herself on those topics. The topics include mostly machine learning algorithms (supervised to unsupervised).


Stage 2: Technical phone screen on text mining concepts.


Stage 3: Onsite interview The onsite interview has 4 interviews. The first round is about database programming. The second round is Python and machine learning. The third round has theoretical questions. The last interview is with the VP and is mostly focusing on team fit.

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Can Pathrise get you a job at Servicenow

Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps people land their dream jobs. We regularly place our fellows at top companies like Apple, Amazon, and Meta. Our mentors have experience at companies like Apple, giving fellows the inside scoop on interview and company culture in 1-on-1 sessions.

We can’t guarantee you a job at a specific company like Apple. But we do guarantee you a great job–if you don’t accept an offer in 1 year, you pay nothing. Our income share agreement means you only pay with a percentage of your income at your new role.

Mentors work with fellows at every stage in search, helping them build the skills necessary to be the best candidate possible. Fellows in Pathrise usually see a 2-4x increase in application response rates, 1.5-3x increase in interview scores, and 10-20% increase in salary through negotiation.

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