Mission: Our mission has always been to help our customers achieve what matters most to them.To support companies throughout the digital transformation process, delivering hybrid cloud data services that radically improve organizational efficiency and create new business opportunities.
Vision: At NetApp, we share a vision to be a model company. This vision drives us to deliver the best possible results for the communities we serve by living a set of core values. We believe that being a model company means winning in the marketplace with integrity and honor. A great culture is the foundation for success for us and for our customers and partners.
Given that you can take 1, 2, or 3 steps, how many different ways can you traverse n steps?
If you have a random function that creates a result between 0 - 232, how do you generate a random number between 0 and 50? What do we do if we don"t want this function to return the same value until all values are generated once?
Write a program that prints out every number from 1-100 that is divisible by 3 or 5 with no remainder.
Write a class Vehicle, Car, and Plane with function Print_description that gives a description of the vehicle. (Testing your knowledge of class inheritance).
Algorithms questions, OOD, and multi-threading questions.
OS Concepts - Process, Threads, Mutex, Semaphores, and Paging.
Strings, Arrays, and Trees
How comfortable are you coding in Python?
Linked list concepts
Operating system basics
Write test cases on semaphores, starvations, file system operations, etc.
Given a binary tree, find the path from leaf node to leaf node such that the values of nodes in between are the maximum. The interviewer was interested more in the maximum sum than the path itself.
Write/describe an algorithm to re-sort a rotated sorted array with O(1) complexity.
Given an array of integers, design an algorithm to return the sum of all integers in a given range with O(1) complexity. So, sum(i1, i2) returns sum of all integers i1 - i2. No for() loops. Now, how would you do it if the array were 2 dimensional?
Merge 2 link lists. So, if the linked lists are L1 and L2, the resultant list will be L1->next = L2, L2->next = L1(original)->next; ... They may not have the same number of elements.
Basic C concepts - difference between processes and threads, mutexes, notify, and wait.
Delete middle node from a linked list.
Virtual functions, Virtual base classes, and smart pointer.
Maps vs sets.
Reference vs pointer.
Stage 1: Phone screen with recruiter
Stage 2: Technical phone interview with hiring manager
Stage 3: Onsite interview
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