Mission: Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences
Vision: To revolutionize how the world engages with ideas and information.
Exceptional: Committed to creating exceptional experiences that delight our employees and customers
Genuine: Sincere, trustworthy and reliable
Innovative: Highly creative and always striving to connect new ideas with business realities
Involved: Inclusive, open and actively engaged with our customers, partners, employees and the communities we serve
Similar to the basic calculator problem in leetcode.
Explain your research topics
What is the difference between your methods and classic methods?
What kind of coding language do you use when handling a large-scale dataset?
Create confidence intervals for finite sampled population.
Logistic regression vs collaborative filtering for large scale categorical variable output regression with a large number of features.
Explain correlation colored plot and make a story about a plot drawn on a whiteboard.
Technical questions about data structure in Python/R and modeling experiences.
Difference between logit and probit models.
Check if an integer is a palindrome (do not convert the integer to string)
Given 2 sorted arrays of integers, code to find a number from each array such that their sum is closest to some integer K
What is the degree of freedom for lasso?
Generate all valid parentheses pairs of a given number of parentheses.
Some high level idea of the real-world-ish problems they"re solving.
Stage 1: Phone screen with recruiter
Stage 2: 2 technical interviews Then the next two phone interviews are both technical. One emphasizes statistics and the other one focuses on coding.
Stage 3: Onsite A 4-5 hour interview process after a presentation to a team of 15. The candidate gets interviewed by several people back-to-back, including engineers, data scientists, and VPs. The questions are about solving problems on the board related to econometrics, data and R.

Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps people land their dream jobs. We regularly place our fellows at top companies like Apple, Amazon, and Meta. Our mentors have experience at companies like Apple, giving fellows the inside scoop on interview and company culture in 1-on-1 sessions.
We can’t guarantee you a job at a specific company like Apple. But we do guarantee you a great job–if you don’t accept an offer in 1 year, you pay nothing. Our income share agreement means you only pay with a percentage of your income at your new role.
Mentors work with fellows at every stage in search, helping them build the skills necessary to be the best candidate possible. Fellows in Pathrise usually see a 2-4x increase in application response rates, 1.5-3x increase in interview scores, and 10-20% increase in salary through negotiation.