Breaking Boundaries: The Transformative Impact of Women in STEM

Breaking Boundaries: The Transformative Impact of Women in STEM

Women’s contributions to STEM have been historic and revolutionary. Ada Lovelace laid the groundwork for computer programming in the 19th century. Katherine Johnson’s calculations propelled NASA missions. Today, these impressive women continue to transform the tech industry. Unfortunately, women are far from equally represented today. Women make up only 35% of STEM professionals and earn $15,000 less than men on average. Women in STEM continue to face systemic barriers and implicit bias. A Stanford study on unconscious bias showed that just a change in name from John to Jennifer resulted in lower suggested pay and lower assumed competence. Despite these challenges, women are increasingly entering STEM fields. While still a minority, about 30% of the world’s researchers are women. According to UNESCO, their numbers are still steadily increasing, signaling a slow but sure shift towards greater inclusivity.

Women make up only 35% of STEM professionals

The benefits of diversity in STEM cannot be overstated. A diverse workforce fosters innovation, as it brings together varied perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. This is not merely an opinion; research supports it. Studies have found that companies with diverse teams are more likely to innovate and outperform their more homogenous counterparts. Promoting women in STEM is not just a question of fairness or equality; it’s a strategic imperative for driving progress.

Efforts to bridge the gender gap in STEM are multifaceted. Some of the most effective seem to be inspiring girls from a young age, providing mentorship and support for women pursuing these careers, and creating policies that ensure equal opportunities and treatment within the field. 

Organizations like Girls Who Code and Women in Technology International, among others, are at the forefront of these initiatives, striving to create an environment where women’s contributions to STEM are recognized and celebrated. These women-led organizations focus on inspiring women and girls that they belong in tech, as well as teaching them hard technical skills to succeed.

Securing mentorship from experts and decision makers is one of the most important steps to increase representation in tech. After all, it’s the mentorship of experts that determines who will assume their positions of power. More women being mentored by experts mean more women in tech.

Pathrise is a career accelerator that helps underrepresented students and professionals get hired at top tech companies like Apple, Google and Meta. Our mentors work with fellows on creating an impactful resume, application strategies, and interview support to give our fellows a competitive edge. The program requires no upfront payment and fellows only have to pay for services after they have been hired for a job. This gives a leg up to low-income students and professionals who may not have program fees on hand. Pathrise offers scholarships for women pursuing degrees in the tech field as well.

Women who join Pathrise land great jobs then pay it forward by sharing their newfound network and knowledge with other women in the community. The result is women supporting women at every level of the tech industry and promoting the widespread rise of women in STEM.

If you are ready to land your next role in technology, contact Pathrise and learn how you  could benefit from working one-on-one with a dedicated mentor.

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Jen Schwechten

Jen has helped over 1000 professionals, from entry-level new graduates to C-Suite executives, land new roles during her career by delivering strategic, personalized coaching support. She’s an internationally certified and award-winning resume writer, experienced interview coach, and has successfully negotiated offer packages to improve client total compensation by as much as 55%. Jen is excited to partner with you on your job search and position you for a brighter career path!

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