Cold Email Examples for Hiring Manager Outreach

Cold Email Examples for Hiring Manager Outreach

Cold emails are a great way to get your resume in front of a recruiter or hiring manager. They should always be sent after you send your application to the online portal. Try to find someone at the company who has a connection to you. Some examples: same hometown, college/bootcamp, or hobbies.

When you have found the right person, it is time to write a great cold email. These should be compelling and concise. Focus on your skills and what you can bring to the company. In addition, be sure to highlight your connection to the person you are emailing.

Check out our guide to learn how to reach out to recruiters, which includes a spreadsheet of contact info for recruiters at top tech companies. Then you can email Facebook recruiters, Apple recruiters, Netflix recruiters, by using our app, Career Connect to find and email recruiters.

You can use free apps like the Career Connect tool to find hiring manager’s emails, then send them the perfect networking email via AI. Each sentence of the email is optimized to get you an interview, with a call to action based on our proven data. We also have a cold email template you can use to make sure that your emails hit all of the right points. But we wanted to give you more email call to action examples that you can use to ensure that your emails actually get responses.

The call to action is the most important piece of the email. It is the last thing that they read and it is the one that should hopefully move them to respond. We’ve come up with a checklist for what you need to have in your email call to action as well as some examples for you to use the next time you reach out to recruiters and hiring managers.

Call to action checklist

  1. Be specific. You should tell the person exactly what you need from them (a phone call, an email response, or something else).
  2. Make it easy. If you want them to schedule a phone call with you, give them 2 times that already work for you. This helps them pick one easily. You might even want to use Calendly or a similar service. Then, you can just include a link and they can schedule a time.
  3. Keep the commitment low. Mention that it will be a quick, 15-minute call, so that they don’t feel overwhelmed before agreeing.
  4. Be polite. Including a line about their busy schedule and how appreciative you are of their time will help increase the chance that they respond.

Email call to action examples:

  1. If you could take 15 minutes out of your busy day to chat with me, I would love to learn more about [company] and see if I’m a good fit. Would you be free either [timeframe 1] or [timeframe 2]?
  2. If you are free from [TIMES], I’d love to get on a quick 15-minute call. Let me know!
  3. I know you are super busy, but I would appreciate the opportunity to hop on a quick call to learn more about [specific role/team]. If you would be free for a 15-minute call, you can schedule one here [Calendly link] when you are available.
  4. I’m really looking forward to chatting more about this position. Are you free [date] at [time] for a quick call? If not, would you be willing to answer my questions over email?

Make sure that you thank the person at the end of the email. In addition, let them know that you are looking forward to hearing back from them soon. Feel free to follow up if you don’t hear back in a week. Make sure your follow up is polite and concise. Once again, you should acknowledge that they are likely busy, but you just wanted to make sure the email didn’t get lost in their inbox. We have a follow up email template you can use.

With this checklist & examples at your disposal, you should be more than ready to send great cold emails to recruiters and hiring managers.

Pathrise is a career accelerator that works with students and professionals 1-on-1 so they can land their dream job in tech. With these tips and guidance, we’ve seen up to 3x as many responses to applications.

If you want to work with any of our mentors 1-on-1 to get help with your cold emails or with any other aspect of the job search, become a Pathrise fellow.

Apply today.

Alex MacPherson

Hi I'm Alex! Since graduating from UC Berkeley in 2019, I have worked on the growth team for Pathrise helping job seekers hone their skills to land their dream role through curated content on interview prep, resume building and more.

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