Pathrise review: 3x salary increase

Pathrise review: 3x salary increase

Check out this Pathrise review from our fellow Brandon who landed a great job and tripled his salary!

At Pathrise, we work with fellows every day on each stage of their job search, ultimately helping them land the best possible job that they can. As of April 2021, we have helped over 1,000 people get great jobs in tech. Check out our Pathrise Series A funding announcement in Forbes as well!

We are excited to share stories from our fellows about their job search, how Pathrise helped them, and the outcome from the program. This Pathrise review comes from our fellow Brandon who found a great job and tripled his compensation with help from his mentors.

Pathrise review: Brandon

Background on Brandon

Brandon graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in computer science and had some experience working as a software engineer developing interactive experiences at a museum. However, he was looking for help finding a more fulfilling programming job. He was receiving technical screen invites, but he was not moving beyond that stage in his job search.

Before joining Pathrise in April 2020, Brandon had been searching for a job for roughly 6 months. When asked about his current struggles in the job search, Brandon explained, “I’d like to improve my ability to communicate with industry professionals. I’m hoping to utilize mock interviews to receive advice on how to talk about the projects I’ve worked on, and guidance on what projects I should work on to improve my marketability.”

Why did you join Pathrise?

Brandon found out about Pathrise by looking online, specifically at Glassdoor. He had been having a hard time with his job search and was looking for guidance. Brandon thought about signing up for a train-to-hire company like Revature, but he felt that they were a last option because they were kind of  strict, authoritarian, and not pay-friendly. 

Then, Brandon says, “I saw Pathrise and looked into it. There was the training and mentorship that I was looking for. I really liked that idea because I clearly needed help with the process. I did a lot of research and was skeptical – is this a scam? [But], Everything I saw was that you guys really wanted to help.”

How was your Pathrise experience? How did it compare to your expectations?

Brandon expected that the program would just tell the fellow what to do and they would get a job instantly. But, he quickly learned that all job searches are different and a program that doesn’t teach best practices is not very helpful. He says, “The program is a lot more catered to what you’re looking for and what your next goals should be. It’s more free form.” At Pathrise, we pride ourselves in our personalization. The program focuses on each individual fellow so that they can get help where they need it.

Pathrise outcome

Brandon says, “I ended up with a job offer that was better than I could possibly imagine. This is due to the interview help that I got with Pathrise. I started doing scary interviews for senior roles that I thought was underqualified for. The position that I am accepting is the best role that I’ve been up for the entire time.”

Compensation increase with Pathrise help

Brandon’s salary is increasing by 3x thanks to his impressive interviews and negotiation guidance from our expert mentors. At Pathrise, fellows in our program negotiate 10-20% increases in salary on average. For more guidance on how to negotiate, including an annotated email template you can use, check out our article.

Is Pathrise legit? Reddit users ask all the time…

If the question on your mind is: Is Pathrise legitimate?, Brandon can explain, “Yes. Pathrise is absolutely legit. There is the beginning, which is the curriculum – it’s created by engineers from all of these top companies that are hiring and they know the general concepts that are being tested. The career mentors are people on the hiring side of things. It’s basically an insider knowledge about things that you want to know about a recruiter. It’s kinda like having someone on that end that you can absolutely trust.”

What advice would you give to someone considering joining Pathrise?

Everyone is different. When asked this question, Brandon made a point to show that “In online reviews, I found that people have said good things and that the program is something that you can’t do on your own. My counter to that is that anyone can be self made but the accountability and the knowledge you get from mentors and the safety-ness in mind to run through an email with your mentor — those are valuable.”

Is Pathrise worth it? Reddit users ask this as well! Would you recommend Pathrise to a friend?

Brandon gave Pathrise a 9/10 when asked how likely it would be that he refers Pathrise to a friend. With a 3x increase in salary and confidence gained through mentorship and interview prep, it seems like Pathrise is definitely worth it for Brandon.

If you are looking for guidance on how to get a software engineering job or any other job search related question, Pathrise can help you. Our online mentorship program helps people with resume, LinkedIn, and portfolio optimization, cold emailing and reverse recruiting, behavioral and technical interviewing, negotiation, and so much more. Pathrise mentors have years of experience on both sides of the hiring table and come from top tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Salesforce, Triplebyte, and more. 

Ready to level up your job search like Brandon did? Join Pathrise.

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Alex MacPherson

Hi I'm Alex! Since graduating from UC Berkeley in 2019, I have worked on the growth team for Pathrise helping job seekers hone their skills to land their dream role through curated content on interview prep, resume building and more.

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