Check out our article where we give you templates to answer “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question.
Some people think that they do not need to prepare for behavioral interviews because they will just be answering questions about themselves. But, this cannot be further from the truth! Not spending the time to practice for these interviews can lead you to trouble. Oftentimes, underprepared people respond incorrectly, ramble, or just feel less confident in themselves.
Instead, we recommend taking the time to research the company. This gives you a chance learn about their mission, values, history, goals, and culture. Then, practice common questions, like these behavioral interview questions from top tech companies.
Knowledge of the company’s mission and values will help you craft your answers to the behavioral interview questions. Your responses should always relate to why you are a good candidate. Include info on why you would be a good cultural fit for the company and how you have been successful in the past as well. Even if they are asking a “negative” question like, “what is your biggest weakness?”, you need to be able to connect to their mission and show your strengths.
We have helped 1,000+ people land great jobs through our mentorship, including practicing for behavioral interviews. So, we wanted to outline some tips to help you answer the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” interview question.
Why do recruiters and hiring managers ask this question?
When companies are hiring new employees, they want to make sure they will be in it for the long haul. Retention is a key indicator of a strong teammate. That means it is important that they hire someone who has clear future goals. Plus, they want to make sure that the employees’ goals coincide with the goals of the company.
You are not a fortune teller and so you likely will not know the exact answer to this question. But, it is important that you try your best to give a response that shows you are motivated and interested.
How can you plan your response?
There are a few elements to keep in mind when you are planning your response to this question.
- The truth: What do you actually want to be doing in 5 years? Maybe your goal is to be a manager or to lead a team. Or, maybe you just want to be working in a creative field. Think about your interests, skills, and background so you can figure out where your dream career path lands you.
- The job description: Look at the job posting and take note of what they wrote. This is the closest you can get to understanding the motivation for hiring this role. Read through the responsibilities and connect them to your goals. If they say you will be working with an associate or intern, this can help point you in the direction of your managerial dreams, for example.
- What you are looking to learn on the job: Working at this job should factor into your 5 year plan, so make sure you are thinking about what you will learn and how you will grow professionally during your time at this company.

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” interview question answer template
Here is a template for someone who wants to be a manager:
“In 5 years, my goal is to be a manager or team lead. I really enjoy working with others and I like the organization that is required for a leadership position. As a [role you are interviewing for] at [company], I know I will hone my skills and grow professionally so that I can continue on the path towards a manager role in a few years. I am especially excited about [name 1-3 pieces of the job that interest you and connect to your goal].”
Here is the template filled out:
“In 5 years, my goal is to be a manager or team lead. I really enjoy working with others and I like the organization that is required for a leadership position. As a software engineer at Facebook, I know I will hone my skills and grow professionally so that I can continue on the path towards a manager role in a few years. I am especially excited about the opportunity to be mentored by senior team members as well as hire an intern who I can collaborate with and mentor. That way, I can share my knowledge and increase my leadership experiences.”
Here is a template for someone who is more interested in skill development:
“Over the next 5 years of my career, I really want to develop my skills in [area of interest/job]. That is why I am so excited about this opportunity at [company] because I know that [1-3 pieces of job description that connect with your goals] will help me learn even more and continue to grow professionally in the field.”
Here is the template filled out:
“Over the next 5 years of my career, I really want to develop my skills in UX design. That is why I am so excited about this opportunity at Apple because I know that working on such an advanced UX team, managing the wireframes for new products, and establishing new iteration procedures will help me learn even more and continue to grow professionally in the field.”
With the above tips and templates, we’ve seen fellows in our program double their interview scores. We hope these help you succeed as well!
If you are looking for more guidance and mentors to work with you on each stage of the job search, Pathrise is an online program that can help you land your dream job through workshops and 1-on-1 mentorship.
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